Soy donde estuve, 2009
Linografía sobre papel
40 x 40 x 200 cm
I Am / I Have Been, 2009
Linography on paper
40 x 40 x 200 cm
This book is an arrangement of 10 different linographic prints on paper, bound in an accordion. The book structure transforms the book into a serpent-like structure that overflows as the viewer opens it.
The 10 prints are images of different places that make me who I am, ten locations that mark my personal and my family's path. To create the prints I google the name of the place, find a map, choose a portion that interests me visually, and then create a digital collage. This digital image is then printed and transferred to a linoleum and carved. Finally the image is printed and then assembled. The final object does not allow a linear reading, or a flat reading of the image, but one that is continuously disrupted by the presence of the next image.